Labour councillor Sheila Suso-Runge named Speaker of Hackney

The new Speaker of Hackney, Cllr Sheila Suso-Runge. Photograph: Hackney Council

Labour councillor Sheila Suso-Runge has been confirmed as the Speaker of Hackney for the coming municipal year.

Mayor Woodley was first to nominate Suso-Runge at the council’s annual general meeting last week.

The borough leader said she is “confident” that the Hackney Central councillor will make a “fantastic Speaker”.

She said: “Sheila is a proud Hackney Council tenant who has lived in Hackney for nearly 40 years.”

Woodley noted Suso-Runge’s volunteering efforts, saying she has “worked with youth clubs, music projects, residents’ associations and community gardening projects”.

The mayor’s speech may have felt somewhat familiar to Suso-Runge, as much of it appeared to have been cribbed from her campaign profile for the 2022 council elections.

At least residents can be reassured that their new Speaker is good to her word.

Ahead of the 2022 elections, Hackney Labour’s website stated: “As your Labour candidate for Hackney Central, [Suso-Runge] will be campaigning for more social housing, real affordable rents, decent homes standards, better support for private renters, strict licensing of private landlords and homes for young people.”

According to Mayor Woodley, that’s exactly what Suso-Runge has done: “As a councillor for Hackney Central, she has campaigned actively for more social housing, real affordable rents, decent home standards, better support for private renters, strict licensing of private landlords and homes for young people.”

Woodley did add a few personal touches, including praising the new Speaker’s local expertise: “Any event I’ve gone to where she’s there, she knows the history, she knows everybody there, she brings it to life. It’s amazing to witness.”

Cllr Sophie Conway was next to nominate Suso-Runge, calling her a “dear friend”.

She said: “I first met Sheila in 2016, just before I became a councillor. While she was active in a thriving tenants’ and residents’ association in my ward, it didn’t take long for me to appreciate Sheila’s extensive reach and influence as a cornerstone of the community.

“Sheila is and has been involved in numerous community initiatives, earning her recognition and respect.

“Anyone who has walked with her in Hackney for more than 10 minutes can attest to how many friends and acquaintances greet her along the way – a testament to her prominence within the community.

“Sheila is also diligent and committed, with a knack for being present at more meetings and events than seems humanly possible.

“I sometimes wonder if she has mastered the art of time travel, alongside her many other skills and attributes.”

Cllrs Susan Fajana-Thomas and Michael Desmond also spoke in support of Suso-Runge becoming Speaker.

Fajana-Thomas highlighted Suso-Runge’s experience as the “very first chair of Hackney’s safer neighbourhoods board”.

She said Suso-Runge had helped to make the board “one of the best in London”.

The new Speaker’s nominated charities for her time in office are Hackney Migrant Centre and the Rising Tide Trust.

Cllr Lee Laudat-Scott has been named deputy speaker, while Martha Newman and Nisa Altun, both of whom are elected to Hackney’s youth parliament, are the new Young Speakers.