Titbits – Freudian slips and furry misclicks

Titbits bird

◆ Hackney Council put out an admirable call last month for residents to register to vote ahead of the early May elections, and to remind people to take photo ID with them. Except it had forgotten one thing: to change the logo attached to its message, which read ‘Let’s get Islington voting’. Freudian slip? The council has had to organise four by-elections in the past two years, thanks to Labour departures. Islington, in the same period: just the one.

◆ You might’ve heard of the popular internet meme ‘dogs at polling stations’. But how about ‘dogs interrupting interviews with London mayoral candidates’? In between appointments, our reporter stopped at a park for a Zoom call with Green hopeful Zoë Garbett. Unfortunately, the conversation was rudely interrupted by a passing pooch, who seemed intent on causing as much havoc as possible, including treading all over the laptop keyboard. Those Animal Welfare Party voters can be furocious.