Details of attempted kidnapping in Hackney emerge as council sings praises of late-night security staff

Police on patrol in Shoreditch. Photograph: Julia Gregory
Quick-thinking security staff at a Hackney nightspot foiled an attempted kidnapping, a licensing meeting heard this week.
The guards spotted a man acting suspiciously and stopped him from allegedly trying to bundle a woman into a car.
No information about where and when the incident took place has been released, but the Citizen has approached the police for further details.
Another recent incident saw trained security staff stop a man carrying a knife.
Hackney’s late-night levy manager Samantha Mathys told the licensing committee: “We have had many positive interventions by venue and security staff which is a testament to the training levels we are seeing.
“There are many examples of bravery and quick thinking.”
She added: “It’s really impressive to see.”
Last year, 1,500 people working in late-night venues and security staff undertook training, with Mathys describing the figure as “the most successful year” to date.
In Shoreditch, Hackney has what is thought to be Europe’s busiest night-time economy, because of its high concentration of bars, clubs and other venues.
Mathys said hospitality staff training means the council is “confident that many incidents have been prevented altogether and we will continue to focus on prevention”.
The council put on special Pubwatch and WAVE (welfare and vulnerability engagement) training for 120 hospitality workers ahead of last year’s football world cup.
This included extra tutoring on the tell-tale signs of fake IDs following an increase in under-aged people trying to get into bars and pubs.
It also covered vulnerability, drink-spiking and security measures.
Mathys said the council has seen an increase in the reporting of harassment despite a recent campaign to highlight the safety of women and girls.
The Town Hall is also promoting the Ask for Angela scheme, which means women who feel uncomfortable on a night out can ask bar and club staff for “Angela” – code for needing help.