Hackney residents can you help? Interview participants needed for PhD research: Citizen Participation and Digital Democracy

Could you spare a few minutes to share your views and help local government improve the way it uses digital technology to engage citizens in local democracy and decision making?
I am a researcher/PhD candidate at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Culture looking at how digital technologies have brought new ways for individuals to get their voices heard, giving people a diverse range of digital tools that potentially empower citizens to take a more active role in local democracy.
My research looks at how digital technology impacts the ways citizens interact with local authorities and Hackney is one of my case studies.
I’m interested in:
– How councils are using digital platforms to engage with citizens
– How digital citizen participation influences decisions and policy
– Issues of digital inequality, the digital divide and how these are addressed
– Whether digital platforms help improve relationships between councils and citizens Interviews take place over Zoom and take around 30-40 minutes.
This is a unique opportunity to help include citizen voice in the use and development of local government digital platforms.
All participants can receive a copy of the final research.
To take part please contact Anya Richards at RichardsA12@cardiff.ac.uk to set up an interview.