Local cyclist wins £200 in prize draw as Town Hall’s training programme starts up again

Photograph: courtesy Frederic Bourdier
A lucky local cyclist has won £200 for taking part in the council’s June questionnaire, which asked members of the public about their experiences of pedalling around the borough.
The prizewinner, who did not wish to be identified, met with the Town Hall’s cycle training manager Frederic Bourdier at A&S Cycles on Lower Clapton Road to collect their voucher.
With the council’s training programme having just restarted after lockdown, the winner also signed up for a free cycle skills course.
Although beginner sessions are still on hold because of the close contact needed to learn how to ride, the programme is again offering family courses and bespoke one-on-one skills training – free of charge for anyone who lives, works or studies in Hackney.
Bourdier explained that the one-on-one sessions follow government guidelines, with personal protective equipment being used. Group and family training is delivered to “bubble” groups – either a small family or people who live together. Any bikes loaned to participants are wiped clean after use.
Those who sign up can tailor the content of the training to their level, with the instructor able to create bespoke courses that follow the Department for Transport’s national standards.
Bourdier told the Citizen: “Cycling is the best way to get places during these very challenging times. It’s easy to socially distance, there’s always a seat available, and it’s cheaper, healthier and quicker than driving.”
Free Dr Bike workshops, where experienced mechanics are on hand to make sure people’s bikes are in tip-top shape, are set to go ahead in the week starting 19 October.
Free security tagging events, which help police track lost or stolen bikes, will also be happening soon.
To sign up for free training or to stay in the loop on upcoming activities, head to hackney.gov.uk/cycle-training