Titbits – Soporific stories and disappearing Tories

◆ A holiday snap posted on Twitter by Mayor Glanville shows our borough leader holding court at a table with a gaggle of toddlers – an image that prompted a crying-with-laughter emoji from Cllr Jon Burke.
Glanville replied: “Mayor’s Story Time coming to a kids’ table near you. We covered the feminism of Peppa Pig, Spot the Dog and ‘One Ted Falls Out of Bed’ (I added a dose of Keynesian Red Brick Socialism to the latter)…”
That’s one way to help them doze off I guess.
◆ The recent pay rise for the leader of the opposition in Hackney, Tory councillor Michael Levy, led to grumblings in some quarters of the Town Hall about his habit of not turning up to public meetings.
But imagine Levy’s delight when his special allowance was formally upped by £8,000 at last month’s full council, following a long campaign by him and his colleagues for fairer pay?
Imagining his delight is exactly what our reporter had to do. Because Levy was nowhere to be seen.