Mayor praises ‘vital’ Citizen on ten-year anniversary

Congratulations to the Citizen: Mayor Philip Glanville
Hackney Mayor Philip Glanville has warmly congratulated the Hackney Citizen as the paper celebrates its tenth birthday this month.
He said in a statement: “Over the last ten years, the Citizen has become a vital part of Hackney’s media landscape. Local papers should have an important role in holding local politicians and institutions to account, but also in helping to connect local people with those institutions.
The Hackney Citizen has always taken those responsibilities seriously, not just through its coverage of council issues, but through putting on hustings events at election time, and showing a keen interest in all aspects of local democracy.
The Citizen also seeks to reflect what makes Hackney so special by championing and promoting the borough’s people, culture and businesses.
This is a challenging time for news media, and I congratulate the Citizen for reaching its ten-year milestone. I hope it will go from strength to strength and look forward to the next ten years.”