‘Right and proper’: Homerton Hospital to go smoke-free in 2018

Homerton Hospital in Lower Clapton.
Homerton Hospital is to ban patients and visitors from smoking on any of its sites from 1 January 2018.
The smoke-free policy will span the entire hospital grounds as well as any property managed by the Homerton Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in the local community.
But the ban does not extend to vapers, who are only required to stay away from doors and windows.
Red lines will be painted at the hospital’s access points with a ‘No smoking’ warning, and extra signs will be installed to remind people of the ban.
The Trust introduced a total smoking ban for hospital workers in October.
Chief Nurse Sheila Adam said: “Staff have responded very well to the new policy and no longer smoke on the site. From the beginning of 2018, nobody will be allowed to smoke in the hospital grounds.”
Many NHS organisations have been smoke-free for several years, and Adam said Homerton is now “falling into line” by banning the habit on its grounds as well as in its buildings.
She added: “Smoking remains the number one health risk to people in this country and is the cause of many diseases and conditions which cost the NHS millions of pounds a year to treat.
“It is right and proper that we should be discouraging smoking on NHS sites but at the same time we offer nicotine patches and continue to support to patients who are smokers whilst in hospital.
“Vaping will continue to be allowed in the grounds – so long as users stay away from doors and windows.”

Hackney Council’s cabinet member for health Cllr Jonathan McShane
Hackney Council’s health chief Cllr Jonathan McShane said: “We fully support Homerton Hospital and have been working closely with them over the past year to prepare for the new ban.
“Patrols by street cleaning teams have been increased to ensure the surrounding areas are kept clean and that people dispose of their smoking related litter responsibly.”
He added: “We will continue to support our NHS colleagues both at Homerton and at East London Foundation Trust to implement the new ban and support smokers who want to quit.
“Smoking costs Hackney £65 million a year, killing more than 200 people a year. It is vital we do everything we can to bring those numbers down.”
The council recently defended its £27 million investments in the tobacco industry while encouraging people to give up smoking with events around Stoptober.
For help and advice to stop smoking, please call the hospital on 020 8510 7248 or email the team at huh-tr.stopsmokinghomerton@nhs.net