Dalston’s Hackney Pirates put on a show at the Rio

Crowd favourites: the youngsters take to the stage. Photograph: Hackney Pirates
Children from education charity Hackney Pirates wowed the crowd with a screening of their film A Captain’s Manifesto at the Rio Cinema last week.
The movie, written by and starring 160 youngsters between the ages of nine and 12, showcases what the kids consider to be essential leadership qualities.
Hackney Pirates’ founder Catriona Maclay said: “The practice and courage needed to speak to camera has demanded both confidence and perseverance from these young people. And it is bringing them results that they will take back to the classroom for their school careers in the coming years.”
The bravery of the Young Pirates shone through when they took to the stage in the packed cinema to give speeches.
The pupils, who come from 14 different Hackney schools, had high expectations of leaders, with honesty, generosity and respectfulness among the characteristics mentioned.
They also gave examples of inspiring figures, including teachers, the prime minister and, according to one participant, “even a zoo keeper”.
Maclay added: “We are incredibly proud of the Young Pirates and the hard work they have put into writing their speeches. They have some brilliant leadership advice for all of us, and have really shown off their writing skills at the same time.”
Impressed: Deputy Mayor Anntoinette Bramble addresses the audience. Photograph: Hackney Pirates
Commenting on the event, special guest and Hackney’s deputy mayor Anntoinette Bramble said: “I thought it was inspirational. As a leader it made me think about what leadership means to me and in turn what my leadership means to others.”
Hackney Pirates is based in the Ship of Adventures on Kingsland High Street, and it aims to “support young people in developing literacy, confidence and perseverance”.
Since starting in 2010, the charity has worked with over 500 children and delivered over 25,000 hours of extra learning time.
For more information about Hackney Pirates and the work it does, please visit the website here.