Letter: ‘I have never been in the Tesla’ says acting Mayor of Hackney

Acting Mayor Cllr Philip Glanville. Photograph: Hackney Council
In response to your ‘Titbits’ article, I would like to set the record straight about use of the civic Tesla car.
@PhilipGlanville how much does the chauffeur driven @HackneyCouncil Tesla cost us? @VincentStops @DaveHill pic.twitter.com/5va31REnXb
— RossiBike (@RossiTheBossi) July 30, 2016
I have never been in the Tesla, and in responding to the tweet in question, I was merely defending the use of an environmentally sustainable car to support the civic duties of the Speaker of Hackney.
Like my predecessor, if elected as Mayor, I don’t intend to make use of the car.
It is there for the use of the civic Speaker, and though I can’t rule out being in it occasionally if we are going to the same event, it is not, nor has it ever been, the elected Mayor or Deputy Mayor’s car.
I walk, or use the bus or train to get about the borough.
I don’t own a car and, if I use taxis, pay for them out of my own pocket.
I intend to start cycling after the election to help me get around the borough faster.
I defended the Tesla’s use because, for security reasons, the Speaker’s chain needs to be secure and the support offered by the car and driver is invaluable to allow the Speaker to conduct visits across Hackney and beyond, and because the council is right to be using an electric vehicle for this purpose.
Cllr Philip Glanville
Acting Mayor of Hackney
Editor’s note: Cllr Philip Glanville’s letter is response to a ‘titbit’ that was originally originally published in our August 2016 print issue, which read: Deputy Mayor Philip Glanville was recently spotted in his latest ride, a chauffeur driven Tesla. When asked how much the gleaming new motor cost him, he swerved the question and replied by saying that he was “showing leadership” by going electric. Clearly Cllr Glanville is getting in the mood for the upcoming mayoral election. For those wondering, the correct answer is £54,000. But think of all the money he’ll save on petrol!