Gaining momentum: nominations open for Hackney Youth Parliament

Advocate: Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, cabinet member for children’s services
Nominations for Hackney Youth Parliament have opened, with elections due to take place in October.
Anyone aged between 11 and 19 years old can throw their hat into the ring, as long as they live, work, or go to school in the borough.
The Parliament aims to consult young people on their views and keep them up-to-date on issues that affect them.
Members also run youth and community events, campaign on issues, elect representatives to the national UK Youth Parliament, and attend regional and national events.
Young people are eligible to vote according to the area in which they live or go to school.
Beth Foster-Ogg, 19, who is a Hackney Youth Parliament member, a founding committee member of Labour Consensus and also a Momentum activist said: “I’d definitely recommend Youth Parliament to anyone who wants to make a difference.
“It gave me an extraordinary insight into Hackney as a borough and the way the council and other services work to improve young people’s lives.
“It’s a new and exciting experience, and a great chance to meet lots of passionate and engaged young people.”
Young Hackney is to host a drop-in training day so that people can find out what it takes to stand as a candidate.
This event takes place at the Young Hackney Forest Road youth hub, from 5pm – 7.30pm on Monday 25 July.
Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, cabinet member for children’s services said: “Hackney’s Youth Parliament is a great way for young people to get involved and understand local politics.
“The Youth Parliament has made a big difference to youth services in Hackney and offers some fantastic opportunities for its members, which can be useful for CVs and university applications.”
To apply online visit, email or call 020 8356 7404.
The deadline for online applications is 22 July although you can apply in person on 25 July at the Forest Road youth hub.
For an informal discussion or to find out more contact Tom Sheppard at Hackney Council on 020 8356 7650.