Emerging Tower Hamlets artist creates buzz with bee paintings

Selection of works by Giulia Marras including ‘The lines of my garden’ (top left)
An emerging artist from Limehouse has won international recognition, with her work being displayed in New York City.
Giulia Marras, who combines her art with a part-time job and an English-language course at Tower Hamlets College, is formally trained in ceramic art, and painting is for her a sideline.
Yet it was her painting ‘The Lines of My Garden’ that was selected for display in #twitterartexhibit 2016 NYC at the Trygve Lie Gallery on East 52nd Street in Manhattan. She has also recently been approached by a gallery in Chicago which is interested in her work.
Marras is originally from Sardinia and has had her work exhibited in a number of galleries in Italy. Paintings in one of these shows caught the attention of the international art world and led to the connection with the New York gallery.
Living and working in London has been challenging for Giulia Marras, but this experience has also provided a source of artistic inspiration that spawned her recent collection of paintings: “When I arrived in London I felt like a fish out of water as I could not speak any English, which made things harder for me. These feelings gave me an idea about a new range of paintings I could work on”.
Following her success in Italy and the US, Marras is hoping to show her work here, and ultimately to open her own art space.
“I would love to see my work exhibited in the galleries around London, but the cost to exhibit is very expensive. Ideally I would love to have my own gallery one day with my own ceramics laboratory”.
In the meantime, Marras’s focus is on perfecting her English and further developing her art.