Hackney pupils beat national average in GCSE results

Khadijat Lawal with her results in August 2015. Photograph: Urswick School
Hackney school students are achieving well above the national average in GCSE results, new figures on state schools have revealed.
Data from the Department for Education shows that last year 60.4 per cent of Hackney pupils achieved five A*-C grades including English and Maths at GCSE – compared to the national average for England of 53.8 per cent.
The figures show an improvement on the previous year – in 2014 just under 59 per cent of Hackney secondary school students took home five A*-C grades including English and Maths at GCSE.
However the figure for 2015 (60.4 per cent) falls just shy of the London average of 60.9.