Hackney’s buses consistently late, Transport for London data shows

Hurry up!: Buses in Hackney are tardy, stats show
Hackney’s buses are consistently late according to data from Transport for London (TfL).
Passengers are frequently having to wait for longer than 10 minutes at bus stops in the borough.
The number 38 bus is Hackney’s best performing, with an average excess waiting time (estimated at 48 seconds) below the borough’s average and a near-guarantee that patrons need not wait more than 10 minutes (one per cent).
The number 55 is late on average by a minute and a half, and buses 341 and 394 are over 30 per cent likely to have long periods waiting between services.
The Hackney Citizen is awaiting a response from TfL.
Although Hackney buses are on average almost a minute late, they perform better than London buses as a whole, which have an average excess waiting time of one minute.