Hackney gangster movie seeks funds

Enoch Frost (Tony) in a still from the trailer
The makers of a new Hackney-based gangster film have released an online trailer to coincide with the launch of a funding campaign to help complete the film.
The first trailer for Hackney’s Finest, written by Hackney resident Thorin Seex, tells the story of police detective Priestly, played by The Bill’s Arin Alldridge, and his plans to steal a shipment of heroin from a group of small-time dealers.
The ‘crowd funding’ campaign has been launched by Rickety Shack Films, who seek donations from people who want to see the finished film later this year.
In a statement on the website Kickstarter the group said: “This film was shot with buckets of passion and a huge amount of hard work from many talented people.
“Now, we need your help to deliver the whole 90-minute film.
“An injection of funds at this crucial point will enable us to deliver polished post production that really packs a punch.
“This movie was made to be seen. We need your help to make that happen.”
The film’s director Chris Bouchard, who also directed The Hunt for Gollum, said: “Hackney’s Finest has crazy characters, delightfully fresh dialogue and a stonking script that pulls no punches.
“There are big surprises in store when the mayhem commences, with hilarious consequences.”
Actor and producer Arin Alldridge said: “It was a joy playing Priestly.
“He’s the most extreme character I’ve ever played. A deliciously dark misanthrope, full of bad intent.”
The film is the first written by Hackney’s Thorin Seex and features Nathanael Wiseman, Marlon G Day and Neerja Naik.
For more information see hackneymovie.com