Nana launches home-cooked cafe at Clapton pub

Nana at The Elderfield in Clapton. Photograph: Gabrielle Robbins
Some of the borough’s ‘older ladies’ have clubbed together to serve the community by running a food and craft café at the Elderfield pub in Clapton.
The new venture is aptly called NANA, and will be open weekdays from 10am-3pm offering a selection of traditional home-cooked food.
The menu features breakfast favourites such as egg and soldiers as well as crumpets, while for lunch there’s a selection of soups, salads and sandwiches. Traditional cakes such as Victoria sponge will also loom large, to satisfy those with the urge for something sweet.
Katie Harris, who set up the venture, said: “We serve up the very best in traditional home cooked food – meaning that customers get delicious, heart-warming grub at a reasonable price, and ‘nanas’ get a chance to get out of the house, meet new people and put a lifetime worth of nurturing skills to good use.”
The venture’s launch party, which took place on 22 November, was a huge success, with over 300 local residents in attendance, enjoying free cups of tea and a slice of cake.
NANA is currently on the hunt for local ladies over 60 with some spare time to help with either cooking or greeting the customers.
‘Chief Nana’, Bernadette Taylor, described her role. She said: “The ‘nanas’ chat with the children whilst the parents have a hot meal and a cup of tea.
“It gives mum a bit of peace and that way I get lots of cuddles.”
Katie Harris added: “You don’t have to be a cooking pro and if anyone is interested please give me a ring or just pop in and say hi.”
NANA is a partnership scheme and every four months a percentage of the profits are sent to the ‘nanas’ based on how many hours they have worked.
If you are interested in signing up with NANA, give Katie Harris a call on 07946 542989 or send her an email:
Open weekdays, 10am-3pm
The Elderfield
57 Elderfield Road
Lower Clapton
E5 0LF