Dalston Darlings to hold fashion fundraiser for women’s anti-violence charity

Cash for charity: the Dalston Darlings. Photograph: Charlotte Hotham
You might think fashion and the Women’s Institute (WI) have little in common. But if your mind’s conjuring up images of Laura Ashley florals and pastel knitted cardigans, then you’re way off the mark.
The well-dressed women at the Dalston Darlings – Dalston’s official Women’s Institute – are championing chic shopping with a conscience at their WI Wardrobe event on Saturday 3 November.
They’ll be pillaging their wardrobes and raiding their rails for the charity clothing sale, which will run from midday to 5pm at Birthdays on Stoke Newington Road.
Victoria Plum, vice president of Dalston Darlings, said: “The clothes will be hand-me-downs from the Darlings, who are particularly stylish ladies. There will be a mixture of vintage and high-end high street, with a couple of designer bargains thrown in, too.”
While you’re browsing brogues or sifting through sequins, the Darlings will be tempting you with a plethora of homemade jams, chutneys and cakes. And as you fight to get your hands on Cos, Zara and Topshop treats at knock-down prices, you’ll be doing a good deed for charity, too.
As well as raising money for the WI the fashion event will be supporting Nia: Ending Violence Against Women. Nia, a North-East London based organization, strives to fight against gender-based violence.
Victoria Plum said: “We all voted to have Nia as our charity; it was an unwavering decision. We wanted to do something for women specifically, and to work with a local charity.”
Eva Wiseman, Nia’s patron and a commissioning editor at the Guardian, said: “Every hour in London a sex attack is reported. That means 6,718 sexual offences and 3,267 rapes in one year, with many more unreported. Domestic violence is even more common: 46,900 offences were recorded by the police in the same year. That’s five per hour, or 128 per day. Whether or not women want to go to the police, they can come to Nia.”
The Dalston Darlings, Dalston’s first Women’s Institute, wants to continue its charity work in the future and hopes to run Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter fashion sales.
The local branch has been giving the Women’s Institute a contemporary twist since 2010, and aims to bring like-minded, inspirational women together. Its monthly talks fuse fashion, politics and the arts. Whether you’re looking for tips on sewing, sex or styling, they have creative experts are on hand willing to share their knowledge.
To find out more about the sassiest Women’s Institute around, swing by Stoke Newington next Saturday for a fashion sale with style and substance. Shopping has never felt so guilt-free.
The WI Wardrobe
Saturday 3 November 2012, 12 noon – 5pm
33-35 Stoke Newington Road
Hackney N16 8BJ
Free entry
For more go to Dalston Darlings and nia.