Hackney police crack down on counterfeit alcohol and unlicensed taxis

Crackdown: a driver is arrested on suspicion of touting
A total of 70 arrests were made – and 68 bottles of counterfeit alcohol seized – as Operation Condor descended on ‘anti-social behaviour’ in the borough last weekend.
The police operation, one of the biggest this year, involved 368 staff and targeted drug dealing, begging, theft, assault and licensing offences.
Hackney Police have been working with the council and local police cadets to launch the operation, which began on Friday.
Police targeted Shoreditch High Street and the surrounding nightlife area, as well as 127 licensed pubs and clubs to check licensing conditions were being met. The team also targeted unlicensed mini-cabs and places selling alcohol and cigarettes to minors.
A taxi touting operation was put in place in Dalston, and drug search dogs patrolled the borough’s train stations. Officers were seen patrolling on horseback and closure orders were issued to a number of venues.
A search tent was also put up in Shoreditch, allowing police to search suspects at the scene.
Despite the measures, and the high number of arrests, police say just “several [arrests] may result in prosecution”.
Inspector Ian Simpkins from Hackney’s Licensing/Problem Solving team, said: “We will do everything in our power to keep Hackney’s community safe from harm and continue to fully support the majority of businesses in Hackney which are well-run and law abiding.
“However,we will continue to ensure that shops and supermarkets do not sell harmful substances, or alcohol to young people. In our pubs and clubs we will ensure that alcohol is sold and consumed in a responsible way and on our roads it means that vehicles, such as taxis are properly licensed and safe.”
Cllr Sophie Linden, Hackney Council Cabinet Member for Crime said: “Our community safety wardens, licensing, trading standards, and anti-social behaviour officers worked closely with police to develop Operation Condor and to make it a success in Hackney. The scale of the operation and the impact it has made sends a clear message to those engaged in illegal activity that we’re committed, equipped and ready to take strong action against them.
“We’ve cracked down on a huge range of anti-social and illegal behaviour and we want Hackney people to know that we’re committed to reducing crime further and to keeping Hackney safe.”