Kats Whiskers children’s free open drama day

Kats Whiskers Theatre
Why not join Katie and Kat from Kats Whiskers on Saturday 5 March for a fun- filled morning of games, puppets, drama and excitement?
And who are Kats Whiskers? They’re two very good friends that met at drama school and formed their very own children’s theatre company last year.
Their show The Hamwehads was performed at the Edinburgh Festival and was so well received they will be performing it there again this year, as well as various summer festivals, including Latitude. They also have a brand new radio show called Kats Whiskers On-Air. Check out the Kats Whiskers website for more details.
The drama morning (for age range is 4-11 years) is totally free but please phone to reserve a place: 0770 851 3900.
Kats Whiskers Free Drama Open Day
10.30am – 12noon Saturday 5 March
St Matthias School
Wordsworth Road
N16 8DD