Protesters march through Hackney against public spending cuts

Protestors took to the streets on Saturday over the government's spending cuts. Photo: Hackney Alliance
An estimated 600 people joined a demonstration organised by the campaign group Hackney Alliance (To Defend Publis Services) on Saturday 19 February in protest against government-imposed cuts to local services.
The protesters, who marched from Stoke Newington to the Town Hall in Mare Street to the sound of a Samba band, were calling on Hackney Council and the mayor, Jules Pipe, to oppose the spending reductions imposed by the coalition government.
Julie Waterson, one of the campaign organisers, said: “There is going to be a full council meeting in two weeks’ time when they will decide a package of cuts which will mean the loss of hundreds of jobs, hundreds of centres will close, and there will be a massive destruction in our public services. We’re here to protest against that and to try to stop that cuts budget being made.”
There will be a further demonstration timed to coincide with the meeting on Wednesday 2 March at which Hackney Council will decide its budget for the upcoming year.
More information on Hackney Alliance to Defend Public Services.
The council’s draft budget will be posted here approximately a week before the 2 March meeting.