Residents continue fight against Clapton Tesco plans

Local residents are protesting over plans for a Tesco on Lower Clapton Road Photo: © Hackney Citizen
The campaign to block a Tesco in Lower Clapton goes on, as the Council has decided to extend consultation process beyond the statutory period.
Local residents and businesses got together in protest a couple of months ago, after two planning applications were lodged to make the vacant property at 144-146 Lower Clapton Road suitable for a new supermarket.
The building’s landlords have confirmed that the site is to be rented as a Tesco Express.
The ‘No Clapton Tesco ‘ campaign has gathered nearly 500 signatures from residents worried about increased noise, traffic congestion and the impact on local businesses.
The largest independent shop, Palm 2, could be particularly affected, given its proximity to the planned Tesco site.Clapton resident Andrew Purvis said: ‘[Palm 2] is a safe haven for people. I think this shop has been a hub for the local community. They are fantastic, and always do their best to help, like when they mended my wife’s stiletto heel using a butcher’s knife. They told me afterwards that they come from a long line of Turkish cobblers.”
However, a sense of resignation is already evident among some businesses. “I’m not really bothered,” said a butcher from Mike’s Meats in Clarence Road. “Things are already bad as it is.”
A Council spokesperson said: “The Council is willing to accept objections, support and comments until the application goes to the Planning Sub-Committee at a date to be confirmed.”
A Tesco spokesperson said: “Our aim is to bring investment to the area, create new jobs for local people and to complement, rather than conflict with the diversity of local facilities in the area. We also think there will be people who would appreciate the offer and benefits that an Express would bring to the area.”
The supermarket chain currently has seven stores in Hackney.
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