Romani Dreams: a celebration of culture

 Romani Dreams event 001
Islington, Hackney and Waltham Forest Amnesty Group present “Romani Dreams: A Celebration of Culture in the Face of Violence, Evictions and Discrimination” – a night of Romani art with music , film screenings, poetry and debate.

The evening will bring attention to increasing attacks against the Roma people in Hungary, Slovakia, Italy, the Czech Republic and other nations alongside the rise of far-right political parties in Europe.

At present, Amnesty International is campaigning against the enforced evictions and discrimination faced by the Roma across the continent . As deadly shootings, fire-bombings and beatings have risen against this community, ‘anti-gypsy’ prejudice has flooded mainstream politics in Europe.

Speakers include: Valdemaro Kalinino, prizewinning poet, writer and translator; Ognyan Stanchev, Roma Rights Advocate; Alex Jagger, Amnesty International coordinator Eastern Europe; Barbara Cernusakova, Researcher, Amnesty International, Weyman Bennett, Joint Secretary, Unite Against Fascism and Kate Allen, director Amnesty International UK.

Romani Dreams: a celebration of culture
7pm Friday 9 July 2010
Human Rights Action Centre
17-25 New Inn Yard
Shoreditch EC2A 3EA

Admission free.
Donations welcome.
Refreshments available.

For further information please contact Ulrike Schmidt at
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