Police appeal after Dalston attack on man

Dalston attack CCTV 1
Police are appealing for information after a 31 year old man was assaulted in Dalston Junction on Monday 10 May, 2010 at around 3am. In the attack, the victim was repeatedly whipped with a dog chain around the head, suffering minor injuries. The male suspect then escaped after the female he was with obstructed a police officer who arrived at the scene.
Anyone with any information about the identity of the two individuals (one white female, one white male) pictured in the attached CCTV stills, is requested to contact PC Tor Garnett at Hackney CID on 020 7275 3628, Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555 111, or email hackneypolice@met.police.uk, marking the email for the attention of PC Garnett.

Dalston attack CCTV 2