General Election 2010: Hackney South & Shoreditch results

Meg Hillier: Labour parliamentary candidate for Hackney South
Following chaos at the polling stations as people were turned away, and a wait of over 12 hours, the results for the parliamentary seat of Hackney South and Shoreditch have been declared.
Meg Hillier (The Labour Party Candidate) 22,825 votes
54.6 per cent – increase of 1.9 per cent
Dave Raval (Liberal Democrats) 9,600 votes
23.0 per cent – increase of 1.6 per cent
Simon Naresh Nayyar (The Conservative Party Candidate) 5,800 votes
13.9 per cent – increase of 0.1 per cent
Polly Lane (Green Party) 1,493 votes
3.6 per cent – decrease of 2.0 per cent
Michael John King (UK Independence Party) 651 votes
1.6 per cent
Ben Rae (The Liberal Party) 539 votes
1.3 per cent – increase of 0.3 per cent
John Williams (Christian Party “Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship”) 434 votes
1.0 per cent
Nusret Sen (Direct Democracy (Communist) Party) 202 votes
0.5 per cent
Paul Davies (Communist League) 110 votes
0.3 per cent
Denny de la Haye (independent) 95 votes
0.2 per cent
Jane Carol Tuckett (independent) 26 votes
0.1 per cent
Michael John Spinks (independent) 20 votes
0.0 per cent
Meg Hillier’s majority has increased to 13,225 votes, a majority of 31.6 per cent
There was a 0.1 per cent swing from the Liberal Democrats to Labour on a turnout of 57.40 per cent – up 6.1 per cent
The council has admitted that there were about 270 residents who were unable to vote.
A spokesperson for the council said, “Hackney has experienced an unprecedented high turnout of voters with postal votes on 80 per cent turnout, and some ballot boxes as high as 75 per cent.
“We are running three elections here in Hackney and we expect our counters to have counted in excess of 275,000 ballot papers by the end of the day.
“In the past elections in Hackney have always run very smoothly and we apologise unreservedly to the very few voters who found themselves unable to vote yesterday evening.
“The figures that we were given from the polling stations last night indicate there were around 270 residents who were unable to vote.”