Darren Caplan: Conservative parliamentary candidate for Hackney North

Darren Caplan is the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Hackney North.

He has a professional background in communications and public affairs, and campaigns he has worked on include schools, hospitals, debt management, cleaner streets, regeneration and digital inclusion.

His past political experience includes working as a staffer/researcher to William Hague MP and Iain Duncan Smith MP; and as a researcher for the Conservative Group in Ealing Council.

Darren has been a school governor, and is currently a member of both the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and the Public Relations Consultancy Association Public Affairs Group, and director of the Association of Professional Political Consultants Management Board.

A selection of Darren Caplan’s policies:

In Hackney North and Stoke Newington

Making it easier for local business to trade and jobs to be created by reducing both the tax burden and red tape

Safer streets by directing more resources to police

Better schools by giving more powers to headmasters and teachers

Lower local and national taxes

Ensuring individuals and businesses have more say on how their hard-earned money is spent

More focused public spending

* Seeking cuts on bloated management and bureaucracy, so that taxpayer money goes to frontline services – schools and hospitals – as much as possible

A strong defence and approach to law and order

Ensuring our armed forces and police have whatever resources are necessary to do the job, to protect Britain from external terrorist threats and crime on our streets

More prisons and tougher sentences for violent crimes, in tandem with better rehabilitation for offenders

A Europe which works in Britain’s interests

No further powers to be ceded to the EU


No to ID cards – a national DNA database which traps innocent people, and the snooping, surveillance society

Yes to smaller government, less state interference and free, more independent citizens

Find about more about Darren Caplan on his website.

Other candidates.