Adrian Gee-Turner: Liberal Democrat candidate for Mayor of Hackney

Adrian Gee-Turner, Liberal Democrat candidate for Mayor of Hackney
Adrian Gee-Turner lives in Stoke Newington, and is a former chair of Hackney Council’s Liberal Democrat group and the Overview and Scrutiny panel.
He was also the Lib-Dem spokesperson on the Local Government Democracy committee in Hackney.
Adrian is a long time trade unionist and has been an executive member of the Association of Liberal Democrat Trade Unionists. For the last eight years he has been the secretary of the London branch of Unite’s Professional Sales Association.
Adrian has previously contested parliamentary elections in 2001 and 2005.
Hackney Liberal Democrats’ top ten priorities for 2010
1. Clean and open politics in Hackney
No more secrecy about your money: Liberal Democrat councillors will hold the council accountable for every action
We will publish all information that can be legally revealed, in clear text
No more £30,000 overseas jaunts for Labour members nor Hackney Council’s £10,000 stall at the national Labour conference – all paid for by you
2. The best policies for the environment
Taking climate change seriously – like Liberal Democrat-run Camden and Islington whose environmental policies have won national praise, including ‘UK Sustainability Councillor of the Year’
Introduce polluter pays parking; so the most polluting cars pay more to park whilst the least polluting pay less – like Liberal Democrat-run Islington Council
Make Hackney plastic bag free – by encouraging local shops to provide long-life bags from sustainable sources
Preserving Hackney’s heritage – by locally listing key historic buildings
3. Cutting Crime in Hackney
Stopping it before it starts – more funding for voluntary groups and mentors to target those most likely to offend, and greater roll out of initiatives that break the cycle of youth re-offending, such as Hackney Diamond
Provide properly-funded community payback schemes for minor crime, proven to reduce re-offending
Cutting anti-social behaviour – effective council action, working with the police, to deal with the worst offenders
4. A fair start for young people
Developing more community-led sports and leisure opportunities – creating safe spaces for young people to meet, and keeping them off the streets
Supporting local work placement schemes to get young people into work and training
Implementing our national policy to cut class sizes, improve discipline and phase out student tuition fees
5. Fair taxes for all – and cutting taxes for local people
The Liberal Democrats are the only major party that will cut taxes for people on lower incomes
Nationally, we will scrap income tax for people earning less than £10,000
We will replace council tax with a fairer system based on your ability to pay
6. A fairer deal for tenants and leaseholders
Liberal Democrat councillors will listen to leaseholders and tenants through meaningful local residents’ groups that have real power, not just talking shops
Better management of the repairs service, getting repairs done faster and right first time
No more exorbitant service charge increases for leaseholders, without the quality of service improving, and no ‘major works’ imposed upon leaseholders at way-above market costs and without proper consultation
7. Cut the Mayor’s budget
The Labour Mayor’s salary and expenses have so far cost local people over a million pounds, including a recent pay rise despite the recession
The Liberal Democrats will slash the Mayor’s budget in half – and put your money back into your services
We will make the Mayor fully accountable by holding regular Mayor’s Question Times open to the public
8. A cycle scheme for Hackney
We will introduce a bike hire scheme in Hackney, for Hackney, run by the community
Create more secure parking spaces for bicycles
The Liberal Democrats were the first to successfully introduce city-wide 20mph speed limits on residential roads in parts of Britain and we intend to do the same in Hackney
We will offer training to cyclists and to lorry drivers to help reduce accidents
9. Strengthening community groups
The Liberal Democrats have always supported voluntary groups in our budgets as they provide best value for money services, use local expertise and builds local communities
We will provide more matched funding for community groups and work with the voluntary sector to create a future for Hackney, decided and delivered by Hackney residents
We will cut red tape and provide council officers’ time to community groups to secure funding from outside Hackney
10. Make the Olympics work for local people
Fight to make sure Hackney gets its fair share of jobs
Create opportunities for local residents to build the skills through volunteer and employment opportunities available
Support and develop grass-roots sports facilities for the long term – sport is not all about international competition, it is about local participation too
Create an enduring legacy for Hackney by putting Olympic land [that lies] within the borough into a community land trust
Note: this article was originally published 22 March 2010 and was then re-published 24 April 2010