HEN gives helping hand to Hackney business

Richard Abbott, Chief Executive, Hackney Business Ventures Photo: Chris Kay
Business-to-business networking evenings aimed at helping small and medium local businesses in Hackney are once again being offered by Hackney Enterprise Network (HEN) over the next two months.
The events are aimed at helping small and medium sized business to win more contracts.
They include tips on sales and marketing, effective ways to fill in application forms, running a business operation and more, according to the organisers, Hackney Enterprise Network.
The Hackney Enterprise Network (HEN) is run by HBV Enterprise on behalf of Hackney Council.
It offers tailored support and advice designed to help local entrepreneurs to make new contacts, enter new markets, and grow and fund their businesses.
“We aim to make Hackney Enterprise Network the gateway to all the right connections for Hackney’s businesses, ” said Richard Abbott, Chief Executive of HBV Enterprise.
HEN membership is open to all small and medium sized businesses in Hackney for an annual fee.
The next networking events take place on 22 April and 10 May at the HBV Enterprise Centre in Dalston Lane.
For more information about the events businesses can contact the Hackney Enterprise Network (HEN) by calling 020 7241 7066 or e-mail: hen@hbv.org.uk