Hackney local and Mayoral elections: Thursday 6 May

Hackney Town Hall, Mare Street
Residents could lose their chance to have a say in the borough’s future on 6 May if they are not on the electoral register, warns Hackney Council.
The local and Mayoral elections in Hackney were called yesterday, and are both scheduled to take place on Thursday 6 May.
However, the council says that those who are not on the electoral register, and have not applied to go on by Tuesday 20 April, will neither be able to vote for who they want to be Mayor of Hackney nor for the candidates they want to represent their ward on Hackney Council.
Only people whose names are on the electoral register can vote.
The Mayoral elections determine Hackney’s executive Mayor, who is not a councillor, but rather the political leader of Hackney Council, overseeing the budget and all council services.
The local elections determine which 57 councillors will represent constituents in 19 areas of Hackney (called wards).Councillors have a range of responsibilities, including helping to oversee the council and its services, as well as hold regular drop-in advice surgeries to meet residents and discuss local issues.
To be eligible to be included on the electoral register and therefore to be able to vote in the local and Mayoral elections, Hackney residents need to:
• be at least 18 years old on Thursday 6 May 2008
• be a British, Commonwealth, or EU citizen
Those who have recently moved house will need to register to vote from their new address.
The deadline to request a postal vote is 5.00pm on Tuesday 20 April.
British citizens, European Union citizens, along with those from British overseas territories and qualifying Commonwealth countries, are eligible to vote in the locall and Mayoral elections that will be held on 6 May.
British citizens, residents from Commonwealth countries, Malta, Cyprus and Ireland are all eligible to vote in a general election, however citizens of other EU countries are not entitled to vote in a general election.
Poll cards for the local and Mayoral elections will be delivered to all eligible voters at the beginning of April. Poll cards for a general election will be delivered two weeks later if there is to be a general election on 6 May as well, though this has not been confirmed as yet.
If you are a Hackney resident and are not sure if you are on the electoral register, or wish to apply, contact Hackney Council:
Tel:020 8356 3000, email info@hackney.gov.uk or download a form online to register to vote.