Want to have your will drafted for free? The BBC would like to help you!

Top legal advisor Sir Gerry Robinson
Have you got a valid will? If so, you’re in the minority.
Every day, more than 1,500 people die in the UK, and over 70% die without a legally valid will – a shocking statistic. Unwritten wills can lead to conflict among the remaining family.
The BBC wants to get the country talking about this important and misunderstood issue. This will be a serious exploration at why it is important to get your will written.
As part of a major new BBC2 series about wills and inheritance, they are looking for people from across the UK to interview and feature in the programme. Assisted by top legal advisors, Sir Gerry Robinson, one of the country’s top leading businessmen, will be helping families write their will.
Sir Gerry already has a track record of helping families for the BBC. He has made two series in the past, offering free advice to family-run businesses. Now he is keen to raise awareness of writing wills.
Wills can avert conflict among families over estate distribution. “It can be tempting to put off addressing issues like this,” he says, “but in the long-run, that only stores up trouble. Would you rather write your will yourself, or have the government write it for you by default?”
There are all kinds of reasons why people put off writing their wills. Sometimes they aren’t sure how to divide the family business or how to make sure relatives with special needs are looked after. It can be a complicated business, requiring specialist help and advice.
This is an issue that affects everyone, from all walks of life, and this is something they want to show in the series. They are looking for a broad range of families – for example, maybe you have children by previous marriages and really need some advice about how to decide who gets what.
If you would be interested in receiving free help, please call the production team on: 020 7861 8068 or email them at: legacy@talkbackthames.tv