Debate: Is Gove completely wrong?

Education secretary Michael Gove

Education secretary Michael Gove

Impassioned champion of standards? Sworn enemy of American literature? Hero of the underprivileged? Disconnected elitist?

Education secretary Michael Gove leaves few feeling non-plussed.

But whether you love him, hate him, or are willing to admit you know nothing about him, everyone’s welcome at Blighty Coffee on 18th June for an evening of critique of our divisive education secretary.

On 18th June, the Finsbury Park Free Thinkers group and social enterprise Leading Lights Tuition will host a debate critiquing the merits of Michael Gove.

Participants’ positions will be drawn from a box and the group divided into pro-Gove and anti-Gove. Teams will be armed with an information kit including news clippings, young peoples’ opinions and stats galore, and given thirty minutes to form their argument. Each side will present their argument to a panel which includes the two organisers and a sixteen year-old school leaver.

The debate aims to “force people onto one side or the other,” says organiser Chris Evans – but not in a scary way. The event is aimed at “those who know a lot, or who know nothing.”

Blighty Coffee

35 – 37 Blackstock road, N42JF

18th June, 7pm